Thursday, October 29, 2009

Skip Bayless and Chad Ochocinco debate part II Lebron overrate,Adrian Peterson overrated and Tiger Woods overrated

I am going to continue to call out news writers and so called sports people as I come across ridiculous takes out there. Skip is a hater and it's plain and simple. I will bring you some contrasting views for other sports talking heads like Jim Rome, Mike Greenberg, Merle Hoge,Jeff Van Gundy, Mark jackson, Charles Barkely etc. You get the point I will call them all out when they are dead wrong. Because I am bringing you the truth.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The NBA is here it's early but the Lebron and Kobe show has started

. The season when Ben Wallace, Delonte, and Joe Smith came over it took a while for them to gel but when they did they came within a basket of upsetting the mighty Celtics in game seven of the playoffs. Shaq did what you want Shaq to do at this stage. Get 10 rebounds and 10-15 points most nights you will want 15. If this continues to happen the Cavs will win it all.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Are the Cowboys for real? What's the truth about the Boys?

You tell me are the Cowboys for real? I have had my doubts about this team for the whole season. They still haven't won a playoff game in about 15 years can you really trust them? They did mess up my picks this week because I though Atlanta would go into Dallas and come out with a win.

The Cowboys are coming closer to officially being a contender in my book but first I have to see a signature  win on the road. They have Seattle coming up next week and I will not be able to get any answers from that game but the following week they have Philly in Philly on Sunday night. This will be hugh and if Dallas wins that game on the road they will be considered ligitimate contenders.

When I look back at week 7 and come up with my top 10 the Cowboys  may find themselves for the first time this season cracking the top 10. The Boys have some tools and played pretty solid on defense against the Falcons so if things are coming together for them and they can play this way consistently then they will have a shot.

I will keep watching Romo might just be a pretty good quarterback. Good job today Cowboys and I guess all of the over the top Cowboy fans will start beating their chest and getting their tickets for Miami.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Truth about Magic and Isaiah

Magic and Isaiah where did things go wrong? This pair seemed inseperable just a few years back, ok maybe twenty but they were the best of friends and two of the best players in the NBA. So how can you go from two of the best of friends to a pretty vicious attack in a tell all book?

I don't know what caused the rift between Isaiah and Magic but please let's no take this any further. This is really ugly folks and it seems a little out of place for both of them. You have two hall of famers, two of the top 10 NBA talents of all time if you ask me having a fued like this or a potential fued.

I have heard the accusations that were made by Magic about what Isaiah had done back in the earlyh 90's but Magic that was 1992 are you telling me you have not had the opportunity to address this with him before now? If you have had a beef all this time what has stopped you from addressing these issues in private with your former best friend? Folks I don't like this at all and I hope they both will meet somewhere and make a public appearence and say all is forgiven and they have resumed a friendship.

Nobody wins in this drama. If anything it actually makes people question Magic in all of this. Like what does he want from this? And why now? This is not the time or place and Magic definitely doesn't need the money. So what's behind this 20 year old blow up?

People have made Isaiah the center of a lot of negative energy here lately and he doesn't need this or deserve it at this point. I just hope Isaiah takes the high road and just let's it go. Magic, whatever you needed to get from this I hope it's done and you move on and continue to be a positive influence in the community.

This thing is so strange it's hard to even talk about two grown men or one grow man inviting a cat fight. I don't get it folks and that's the truth!

Check back for my post on where Isaiah ranks all time as an NBA player you maybe surprised to see that he ranks above Kobe Bryant.

A look at Week 6 picks and the picks for week 7

Wow! What can I say last week was worst than the week before. It's been years since I have gone .500 on my picks but last week was one of those weeks. I still need some challengers for the $25.00 gift card. I went 7-7 there were a lot of games that went totally off path but hey that's why they play the games.

I am going to look at week 7 and redeem myself with a more like me week. Here we go with the picks for the week.



These are the picks for week 7 so if you can do better put your picks in the commments.

Here's a look my top 10 teams in the league after 6 weeks.

1)NO-They are for real and deserve the spot

2)IND-They just do what they do they will stay unbeaten

3)MIN-The undefeated will be in the top 4

4)DEN-I have to put them up here they have arrived folks

5)NYG-They took one on the chin in NO but they are still a force to recon with.

6)NE-They are not as good as the 59-0 beat down of my Titans but they are a 10 win team.

7)ATL-They are better than I thought and if they beat Dallas in Dallas then they will be a top 5 team.

8)PIT-They are Pittsburgh and will be in the hunt at the end.

9)ARI-They are hitting their stride and the offence is starting to fire on all cylinders.

10)PHI-It's hard putting them here after that lost to OAK but I think that was a hiccup.

Hey give me your thoughts if you think some other teams should be in the top 10.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Truth about Peppers and Beason

I have to talk about what Beason said and his apology to Peppers for his comments on the Prime time with the Pacman show. I was listening and at the time they were referring to Peppers as the said player and everyone knew who he was talking about. Being a former football player not on the pro level but college the proper way to handle something like that is in private.

Hey Beason is a great guy and stand up kid and I have nothing but love for him but I felt at the time that was not a good move. Beason is a honest guy and I love to hear him on the show because you get things from him that are honest and to the point. On the other hand the host of the show will ask him some questions that Beason will have to start pleading the 5th on.

The panthers have an opportunity to turn things around over the next 2-3 weeks and could very well end up 3-3 or even 4-3. Sometimes things like this can tear a team a part and other times things like this can be the catalyst to bringing a team together that have gone through some adversity.

We will all see how this one turns out.

WEEK 6 in the NFL and a look at last week. Pick Challenge $25

Hey it's almost the half way point in the regular season can you believe it? Last week was a disaster for picks according to my standards I went 8-6. Now for some people being above .500 is good but for me that's a bad week if I am 4 or more picks off. The $25 gift card is on the table every week and no one challenged me last week on the picks. Last week would have been a good week to get a win because that's the worst I have gone in a long time 8-6.

I missed on a few of my upset picks like Tenn over Indy, KC over Dallas, I did pick Den over NE. I am going to do a whole piece on Vince Young and the Titans before the weekend is over. I am going to give you the top ten this week right here and now and then I will give you my picks for this week.


Teams that are on the bubble of the top 10 but will be in the playoff hunt are ATL,ARI,SF,NYJ,SD

Here we go my picks for WEEK 6 Hou vs cin-w, Det vs GB-w, Stl vs Jac-w, Bal vs Min-L, NYG vs NO-w, Cle vs Pit-w, Car vs TB-L, KC vs Was-w, Phi vs Oak-L, Ari vs Sea-w, Ten vs NE-w, Buf vs NYJ-w Chi vs ATL-w, Den vs SD-w

This week folks I feel at least 12-2 so bring your A-game and get a $25 gift cart

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Truth about Rush Limbaugh the NFL and why white men can't jump!

Look let me hear from yall out there and tell me what you think. Or tell my why I am wrong or right.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Week 5 top 10 NFL and my Picks for the Week. $25 for best picks

It's week 5 in the NFL and we are now getting a clearer picture of who is who in the NFL. Remember each week I am challenging all readers to out pick me for the Sunday games. If you finish with a better record than me and have the best pick ratio strickly win, lose then you will get a $25 gift card. If there is a tie then there will be a drawing to pick a winner. So show me what you know and enter your picks in the comments section of this post. Register on the site with your email so we can identify the winners.

From last week I was 10-4 with my picks there were several teams that had bye weeks but I didn't have a challenger so no one got the $25. Just a little something to keep it interesting and fun. First I am going to give you my top ten teams going into week five.

They are as followed:

I will say this the 49ers, Bears,Cardinals, Charges, and Falcons are all in the hunt for the 11-15 spot all of these are good teams with playoff potential.

All right get ready my picks for week 5 and like I say every week if you can't go 12-4 you have no chance and you don't really know football.

cin      cle      was     pit-w dal      min-w  oak     tb       atl     hou     ne        jac      ind     nyj-w
bal-w  buf-w car-w  det     kc-w  stl       nyg-w  phi-w  sf-w  ari-w  den-w  sea-w ten-w mia

There it is folks. I have at least 3 upset picks for this week and at least two of them will hold to form maybe all three. It's the truth now go and tell somebody!

Iverson''s out with a torn Hamstring " He should have practiced"

I usually give AI the benefit of the doubt in almost every situation because I am a big AI fan I love the way he brings it every night. The critics are just that critics they don't like the guy for what they feel like he represents but that's their problem.

But AI you have got to help me out with this one. You have not played ball for 5 months and you came into to camp by your own admission out of shape? What in the world were you doing with all of your time not knowing where or if you were going to be playing. If it were me I would have been in the best shape of my life ready to go out and show the world that I am still an elite player in the league.

Now you are saying you got injured in practice because you said you haven't played basketball in 5 months. Man that is bothering me because I thought you would come back with whatever team the picture of health and ready to lead whomever on a playoff run. I am not saying that will not happen but I am saying with you out all of training camp and then you will have to work yourself into NBA game shape over the next month it will be after Christmas before you hit your stride.

Now I have to listen to all the nay sayers and haters talk about how you are washed up and how your approached proved you are not serious about winning. I am going to remain silent since I have that right until you represent and allow me to speak on this again.

If you take Memphis to the playoffs in the west then I can say I told you he's still got it!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Lebron,Kobe, Shaq Duncan the truth about the NBA season 2009-2010

Look for Lebron to have the best statistical season of his career and look for Shaq to be extremely productive in his limited minutes.

Tim Duncan and the Spurs will represent the west this season. They will be too much for the Ron Artest Lakers. San Antonio has really reloaded and with Duncan motivated and Ginolbli healthy this team knows how to get it done in June.

Getting Richard Jefferson was a hugh move that will pay big dividens for the Spurs come playoff time. RJ is a legitimate 20 point scorer and great team mate. Antonio McDyess is a big deal for the Spurs as well. He plays D, rebounds and will hit open baseline jumpers. When you add those guys to a healthy Spurs roster you have a title contender.

The up and coming teams who will make the playoffs that did not last year are the Memphis Grizzlies and Oklahoma in the west. In the east the Charlotte Bobcats will make their first playoff appearence.

There you have it folks. I will write more about the Lakers, Bobcats, and Memphis in my next basketball post.