Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Truth About Michael Jeffrey Jordan

What can I tell you about Michael Jordan? There is always going to be the question of who will or can be better than Jordan but the answer is in the question. The man redefined the game of basketball. Wilt was a monster and did things that no one will ever do but Jordan took the game global

Will there ever really be someone like Mike? I watched the hall of fame speech and it was fitting. Jordan paying Homage to David Thompson. David Thompson inspired a lot of young people to aim higher as in verticle leap. I am about one and half years older than Jordan and growing up in eastern North Carolina and playing sports David Thompson was the man.

I have seen Jordan plenty of times off the court. I saw him play at Laney High when I was at Jacksonville High school and would check out the Achievement Unlimited camp that he would come to in Greensboro when he was with the Bulls. Fred Whitfield started the camp and Jordan would come every year with other pros and it was called the greatest pick up game. For all of the accolades and high praise somehow Jordan is amazingly humble. Don't get me wrong he believes he is the best on the court no matter who is one the court but he has not put himself above the journey. I think that was also revealed in his Hall of Fame speech.

My only regret about Jordan's career is that being from North Carolina and our High Schools playing in the same conference I never saw Jordan play professionally live. It's hard to believe I never saw him play live. So now any time any of the great ones come to North Carolina I try to have my 8 year old son there. He has seen almost all of the modern day great ones with the exception of Allen Iverson. I was hoping Iverson would be playing in Charlotte this year but I digress.

My son loves Michael Jordan even though he has never seen him play which is amazing to me how Jordan has transended several generations. He did get to see Jordan up close at a Bobcats game. We happen to have seats on the founders level and Jordan and Fred Whitfield came with in two feet of my little boy. He didn't get an autograph or anything because we didn't notice Jordan was beside us until he was walking off. Oh well.

Michael Jordan will always have a place in every native North Carolinians heart and he is certainly one of our most favorite sons. In my opinion there will never be anyone who will do what Michael Jordan has done for and to basketball.

Thanks again Michael Jeffrey Jordan you will be forever the jump man and your message of being your best and not giving up will ring true in a lot of young and old people hearts.

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